Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So Ive taken some updated pics from this last week. Ive been really busy lately. Ive moved in with my dad and Im in the process of selling my apt contract. I love being home (except for the rules) but Im grateful to be here. This will be a picture overload......So I apologize.

Me and Caitlin on girls night

I love her!



Messy face

Me and Lori

I have missed her


Lori and Sues puppy

My new cousin Ella Jane Wright

Me and my cousin Ian

Me and Addie

Silly Face


My aunt Kari was in town from Maryland. My cousin David was starting to fall asleep

My cousin Sarah and baby Ella



Thursday, June 25, 2009

So its been an emotional long week. Last Thursday I lost my job. Going through the stress of that had been hard...but I was not prepared for what was to come. Tuesday Casey and I broke up. We remain friends. I can't say its been easy. Its been extremely hard, and I'm blessed with the friends support I have. I have made a new plan for myself. I just need to execute it. I'm working on getting a job in salt lake, and my dad wants me to move home and sell my apt contract and live with him for a few months rent free, and save money to get an apt up in salt lake, where Ive been wanting to be back for years. Its a great plan and Im going to move forward with it, but I need to process one thing at a time. Im trying to stay busy, but nights are the hardest. I hate sleeping alone, let alone living in Spanish Fork away from everything and everyone. But Ive been through worse, and It will be fine. Casey and I plan on going to the movies this weekend. So pray that that will go well for us. We want so badly to remain friends. Due to stress, and our age difference, we just arent in the same place, and not meant to be in a relationship right now.

Friday, June 12, 2009

So I have a few new pics. Casey got a little puppy last Saturday. Her name is Sammy and she is now 8 weeks old. Shes a little black lab. She is currently keeping everybody occupied. But she should be fully potty trained in the next couple of days. But I do have some pictures of her from her first day.

Also my birthday was recently. I didn't really do anything exciting. Casey was really cute though. We were watching a movie on the night of my birthday and he brought me out to the balcony and gave me a frozen recess with a lit match for the candle. lol. I made a wish and blew out my "birthday cake". lol.