So as some of you might know my aunt Kristi passed away on Tuesday 1/13/09 after battling 7 1/2 years of cancer. She had been doing great with the cancer for almost 2 years, but last November she got news that it had come back, and had spread to her lungs, liver, and paincruis. She was told by the doctors that she had about 9 months to live in December. But her battle was short lived. I am very grateful to have gotten to say goodbye and to have closure with her passing. I couldn't have asked for a more peaceful way for her to go, surrounded by her family. Kristi has two kids. Carson 8, and Courtney 12. They are doing very well. She will be extremely missed. You will be able to find her obituary at the following link http://www.meaningfulfunerals.net/fh/obituaries/obituary.cfm?o_id=315792&fh_id=10812&s_id=C5BF681AF1DB70502B5D8F2BDA6AC76D.
that is so sad! it's good to know that you are at peace with it and that her kids are doing alright! :)
Bree I am so sorry to hear about Kristi. I am glad that you are at peace and I know you will see her and your mom in the eternities. Love you.
I've never been able to link to the obituary, I am sure it was beautiful.
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