So I went and got my medication refilled today. For you people who don't know, I'm on Ambien for my insomnia and Cylexa for my depression/anxiety. So I went in today, and I love my doctor. I told her that I thought I had symptoms for ADD. I've thought for a long time that I had had it. And I took a test, and wow, I had it! Lol. Go figure. So she prescribed me Adderall. Can I just say that this drug is AMAZING! I have never been this focused and had so much energy. It's like whatever I had been searching for, for myself has been found. I am feeling great! That's mainly why I'm writing a blog about it, because I'm still at work, all my stuff is done, and I have nothing to do, and I HAVE to be doing something. I could go run around the block right now, and be so happy doing it. The only downside is, it comes with 30 pills, (which is normal) but for one bottle is $90. Yes I said it...$90!!!! So with that and the rest of my medication I spent $115 today on pills. That is ridiculous. I honestly think that's a joke. If it helps me, then yes I'm going to take it, but why does it have to be so much money. I think the cost of medication has to be lowered. The Adderall isn't generic. Next time I get it filled I'm going to see if they have the generic brand, because $90 for just that one refill is a little expensive for just little ol' me. If any of you have any ideas on how I could save money that would be great! If not that's ok...It's good to vent. And get out some of this energy I have! I am actually excited to go home and clean the house and do my laundry for when Paige's mom comes to stay over Friday night (tomorrow) I hate cleaning. So that tells me that this magic little pill full of hopes and dreams is doing it's magic. And for that I'm grateful.

Bree~ it's amazing what meds can do. My prescription of Lexapro ran out and it 2 weeks to get it here! Needless to say, we all struggled! (oh the joy's of what having kids can do to your hormones!!!) Try mail order through your insurance. Mine is 1/3 the price getting it in the mail. Also, try Costco. They are the absolute cheapest if you don't have insurance. Hae fun with my family!
I have an idea how to save money on your pills - get someone to smuggle them in from Canada, and buy from them. Seriously, prescription drugs in the U.S. are a big scam.
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