After a really hard lesson last year with my best friend, and the person that meant the world to me, I became extremely closed off, and very untrusting of the people that wanted to enter my life and the people that were already in my life, and that had always been there for me. I had to take a lot of time for myself to figure out who i was and what I wanted. I have to give a lot of credit to the friends that stuck by me through that hard time in my life.
Bree- you have been there for me for years, you know exactly what I have been through, and I'm so happy I can have someone that is the same person I am. I don't ever have to explain things to you, you just know what I'm thinking. I really appreciate you and what you do. It sucks that I never see you, but I know youre always there for me.

Shea- Oh how I love your organs. You have been there for me the longest. You are like a brother to me and I love how protective you are.The best thing I love about you is that you will do anything for your friends and family. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you.

Lori and Kristi- Omg! You are my girls. I can't imagine better girlfriends. You two have been there for me through ALL of my venting. I miss working with you girls. But I am extremely happy that we have kept our friendship. I don't know what I would do with out either one of you.

Alies- You have been my best friend sense high school. You never judge anyone. I admire that so much. You were my friend even when I wasn't doing anything right. Your family is my family. I can come to you with anything. You have the most amazing testimony of anyone I know. I love you.

Daddy- I love you so much and I am so grateful for everything you have done for me. I admire how much you have been through and how far you have come. I love you, love Breezy.

Trinny- I love you sis. I'm sorry your picture is small. I need an updated one...stat! You have been a sister to me. I am so proud of everything that you have done. I love Atticus. I am so happy that you have finally settled and found yourself. I love you.
Kayla- I love you so much. You have been such a great influence in my life. I couldn't ask for a better mom. I hope you know how much I love you.
Ok. I know that was long. But you have to know who is important in my life, so when I mention them through out this whole blog thing, you can put a picture to a face. Thanks for hanging in with me through out this blog. It wont be that long next time. But you have to get it started somehow. Welcome to the world of Bree........its gonna be strange.
I finally caved in January to start a blog. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet but it's nice to see you on here! Love your guts and I am hoping for more insight into your person.
I loveth your new blog...even though it's exactly like mine! Thanks for my message! I'm glad we're so close!!! Loveth you Breezyfosheezy!
Welcome to blogger! I just passed through while browsing. I've posted a blog about my true friends too... They're the greatest things you can have in your life! I hope to read more of you!
That was so sweet of you to say nice stuff about me on your blog. I am glad that I finally found you on here. I love you chica, and I am so glad we are still friends. We really need to hang out though.
Love you,
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