Nobody understands this emptiness I feel,
Hopeless, how long will I feel this way?
Mindless, What? I'm sorry what did you say
Anxious, I sinned, what will happen to me today?
Worthless, what do I enjoy, why am I here, I forget.
Overwhelmed, how long can I live like this?
Up and down, I feel sad, I feel angry, I feel regret
Questions so many questions, why do I even exist
Antisocial, I love you, but please leave me alone.
Desperation, I've tried everything, theres nothing I can do
Too late, I am getting old, I am already grown
Distrust, you will let me down, you only care about you
Did they ever really love me, or did I just push them away?
They said they did, was it true?
I know this isn't right but I can't control this,
I know this isn't healthy, but what can I do?
I feel so empty sometimes, no emotion, no sadness, no anger, no happiness.
Just hollow, nothing inside, void of any feeling.