So I had a really great Christmas. All I wanted was to just be with family. And I got that. Christmas Eve night I went to my aunt Teresa's for our annual Hawaiian Christmas Eve. My dad and Kayla couldn't come, because they went to Kayla's parents house. But everyone else was pretty much there. We had dinner, and played with the kids. Then got ready for our program. Complete with scripture reading and Christmas carols. Not just any Christmas carols, these are also Hawaiian Christmas carols. Yes you heard right. My family is from Hawaii, so we have a little twist in our Christmas. It was awesome. After that I made my way to Kayla's parents house. They were so sweet, and even gave me a present. :) I then went to my dad's and started to wrap all of my presents to everyone, which I hate doing.

Me and Kathryn, entertaining ourselves before dinner.

Never leave us girls to entertain ourselves. lol

Kathryn was helping Annie lead away in a manger.

This is how Chris felt about the song

Ben...trying to stay focused during the program.

Apparently Ryan was sleepy. Good thing Teresa and Mckay were paying attention

My wonderful aunt Teresa

My grandpa Wyman.
Christmas morning was awesome. My parents woke me up at'm not a morning person, nor do I like being woken up, but it was ok. We just spent time unwrapping presents and then ate some breakfast, then played wii, that my dad got for Christmas.

My dad really liked his hat that was in his stocking.

Kayla loved her new skiis!!!

My dad a big freaking book! He looked like a little boy.

Kayla got an ipod!

My dad plays racketball. And apparently needed a new racket.

And the wii!!!! My dad was so excited!

Kayla beating my dad at boxing. lol classic moment.

Me, entertaining myself while the 'children' played.

My dad won! lol
I then made my way to Trin's moms house for Christmas, and to say hi. I then just spent the rest of the day at my apt (the weather was too bad to go anywhere else), and then around 8 I went to my cousins Kathryn's house and watched Kung Fu Panda. Yes that's right. We are so cool like that. lol.

Trin, trying to get Atticus to look at me. He's such a daddy's boy

Family pic. Well sorta, Matt is paying attention, but Atticus is pre occupied and Trin isn't even looking. lol. I love the holidays!