So I usually don't do anything for Halloween. I'm not into dressing up anymore, and I usually just stay home. But this year I decided to dress up and have fun with it. I went to a couple of work parties, and then to my dads for dinner, and then to my friends Halloween party.

Me and my girls Diana and Leah (Wendy is not pictured :( ....)

Trinny, what a hot baseball player

Shea and Dylan. Dylan was Lorana Bobits husband, It was extremely funny. And the banana just made my whole night.

Me and Shea Shea.

This was from the weekend before Halloween at a different party. Me and Mari. I do love her.

This is from that same party. Me Kristi and Paige.

Me and Shea's sister Lexi on Halloween.

Me and my old boss Chuck. He was a muscle man. haha

Erica and Dylan. Love them :)

My little nephew Atticus. He was squirt from Finding Nemo. So cute!